LC Board of Education Regular Meeting: Dec 16, 2024

Lawrence County Board of Education

                                                                 Regular Meeting

December 16, 2024

LCHS at 6:00 PM

The Lawrence County Board of Education held its regular meeting at Lawrence County High School in the library on Monday, December 16, 2024, at 6:00 PM. Board members Jim See (Chairman), Maddlene Roberts (Vice-Chair), Barbara Robinson, Garnett Skaggs, and Susie Rice were all present in person. 

Mr. See called to order the meeting. The board approved the agenda. 

The agenda was amended to allow Marshall University students to perform their externships within the LC School District.

In students and staff presentations and recognitions:

·      Mr. See, Ms. Robinson, and Mrs. Rice were sworn in as elected LC Board members for a 4-year term.  Mr. See has served on the board for 19 years.  Ms. Robinson has served on the board for 28 years.  And Mrs. Rice has served on the board for 3 years.  We appreciate our board members' service to our schools.

·      Schools will resume their spotlights in January 2025.

LEES- January

LWES- February

BES- March

LMS- April

In communications, Mrs. Webb gave the Superintendent update: 

·      The LCHS held the Senior Breakfast, which the Louisa Free Will Church hosted. We thank our board members, Mrs. Barbara Robinson and Mrs. Susie Rice, for attending the event. After breakfast, the new program Fill Their Shoes held its first event for kindergarten and LCHS seniors. This is a yearlong program that pairs kindergarten students with high school seniors. This program will propel opportunities for mentorship, shared experiences, and fun activities. All students enjoyed the morning with Santa! Next, high school students worked on an ornament craft project with the younger students.

·      The sixth-grade academic team showcase had a great turnout.  BES hosted the showcase, with FES becoming the overall champion and BES placing in second place.

·      The LCS Security Committee recently held its first meeting. The committee is comprised of district administrators, staff representatives, SRO’s, local law enforcement, and parents. The first item of business was to analyze the current safety procedures in place throughout the district.  Next, the group discussed future avenues of safety within the district.

·      Mrs. Webb and Mrs. Rice attended the KSBA Winer Symposium.  Mrs. Webb also participated in the KASS conference in Louisville, KY.  She had the opportunity to meet with other superintendents across the state and with other legislative members.  They discussed what is happening within education in the state of KY.

·      A KASA mid-year review for new superintendents was held, and Mr. See presides as the local contact on the committee. The group met online with Mr. Fred Carter, Mrs. Webb’s executive coach, and her mentor, Greenup County Superintendent Mrs. Traysea Moresea. Mrs. Webb’s mid-year review was completed, and she asked for the board's feedback.

·      KEDC is holding two town hall meetings for KDE. The first will be held on December 19, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM in Ashland, KY. This meeting will discuss school fundraising through SEEK. The second meeting will be held on January 22, 2024, to discuss information and input on the new accountability system.  Mrs. Skaggs asked if there would be significant changes in the accountability process.  Mrs. Webb explained she suspects there may be significant changes for 2026-2027. 

·      Christmas break begins this week.  The last day for students is Thursday, December 19, 2024.  Students will return to school on Monday, January 6, 2025.  We hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

There were no public comments.

In Student Learning & Support Services:

·         The board approved the Minutes of the November 18, 2024, Regular Meeting.

·       Approved the Claims and Orders of the Treasurer.

Mrs. Webb explained some changes to the General Fund warrant. The name of the fire alarm monitoring company, ADT, was changed to Evron. Three fuel purchases were made from the bulk plant. The first purchase was for the gas tank at the bus garage, the second was for a smaller gas tank located at BES, and the third was for a fuel tank for the new buses, which require an additive fuel mixture.

·       An annual purchase for Google Education. This used to be a free subscription but now requires payment.

·       Mrs. Brandi Peters presented the Monthly Financial Report

Beginning Balance:                     $7,330,906

Total Revenue for Aug:              $4,490,319

Expenditures for Aug:                $3,215,493

Fund 1 Cash Balance for Aug:  $2,601,191

Ending Balance for Nov:            $8,563,644

Balance sheets reflect the balance of each fund as of Nov 30th, 2024.

In the Consent Agenda:

·      There are scheduled out-of-state trip requests within the tri-state area.

·      Several teachers requested permission to apply for various grants to help them receive new equipment.

·       The LEES Safety Patrol requests assistance for the annual safety patrol Washington D.C. trip.  They requested $100 per student, totaling $4,000.

In Construction/Building & Grounds Projects/Updates,

·       Approved a $10,719.63 invoice for Phase 1 of the New Carpentry Building and Greenhouse from RossTarrant Architects.

·       Approved a $515,821.38 invoice for work performed on the LCHS Vocational Building and Greenhouse from Codell Construction. The building will be completed very soon.

The opening ceremony date was discussed. February was proposed as a possible time span.

·       Approved a $6,057.16 invoice for the LMS Roof Replacement project from RossTarrant Architects.

·       Approved a $493,199.21 invoice for the LMS Roof Replacement project from Codell Construction.  Construction may be completed by February, weather pending.

·       Approved a $4,181.97 invoice for the LCHS Upper Bleacher Replacement project from RossTarrant Architects.  This construction should be completed within six weeks of the start date.

·       Approved the Owner/Contractor Contract for the LCHS Upper Bleacher Replacement, including the Performance Bond, Payment Bond, and FACPAC.

·       Approved the award bid for the Leased Lit Network Capacity to provide Standalone Data Transmission (WAN) Service for the head-end (Technology Building) to four BES, FES, LEES, and LWES school sites. This lone bid was awarded to Foothills Communications of Staffordsville, KY. 

·       Approved/selected vendor for UPSs (Uninterruptible Power Supply/Battery Backup & Necessary Software and Licenses for the district).  This was awarded to RTI out of eight vendors.

In Other Action:

·       LCS Security/Committee Update: Mrs. Webb discussed the committee meeting for their first meeting last week.  The groups identified the safety marks already in place across the district.  They also identified current safety processes and resources that need to be better explained to the community and our school staff.  Example: STOP TipLine, reporting safety concerns by our staff and community.  The STOP Tipline is an online resource for reporting safety concerns.

·       Approved the 25-26 Comprehensive District Improvement Plan and Assurances.  Mrs. Brady explained the road map to help LC students grow even more.  It shows the district and individual school improvement plans. It has been identified that our needs are to work in math, science, social studies, and writing.  We had no schools assigned to TSI.  Our plans include continuing growth in Professional Development. 

·       Approved appointing board member Mrs. Maddlene Roberts as the board representative to the 2025-2026 District Calendar Committee.  And approved the appointment of the 2025-2026 District Calendar Committee.

·       Approved to declare surplus on several items, including a flatbed truck, an F250 truck, and a 2004 Chevy Tahoe.

In New Business:

·       Approved an Affiliation Agreement for the Experiential Education of Students from Marshall University College of Health Professions Communication Disorders Department, pending review and approval by Board Counsel.

In Personnel:

·       Approved the abolishment, creation, and changes regarding positions.

·       Approve to add from previous board action an updated page 14 to the 2024-2025 LC Schools Salary Schedule.

·       Approved the Declaration of Emergency regarding a Math Teacher vacancy at LCHS for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year.

In Superintendent’s Professional Growth & Evaluation:

·       Mrs. Webb presented a copy of the evaluation tool that will be used toward the end of the year.  It includes the seven standards of evaluation.  Mrs. Webb requested feedback for any areas needing improvement in the upcoming second half of the school year.

Mr. See adjourned the meeting.  Mr. See provided, “I would like to thank our LC teachers, who put in great work in the first half of the year.  The LC Board appreciates all the work they do!  And we wish everyone a Merry Christmas.”   Mrs. Webb, LC Superintendent, added, “Thank you to all our staff in LC Schools and for all our families' support in educating your children.”

The next Regular School Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 6:00 PM at LCHS.  A reminder that the Martin Luther King, Jr holiday is on Monday, January 20, 2025, and school will not be in session.  All residents are always invited to attend the Lawrence County Board Meetings to become aware of the issues affecting our students and schools. The meetings may also be viewed virtually through the public viewing link. A copy of the most recent Lawrence County Board agendas and meetings may be found on the current Lawrence County District webpage at