What is the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society?

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is the largest voluntary health organization dedicated to fighting blood cancer in the world. Founded in 1949, the organization is dedicated to finding a cure for blood cancers such as leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease, and myeloma. More information about the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society can be found at www.lls.org


Supporting the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Two 8th graders, Alexander Hogston and Casey Hovis, from Fallsburg Elementary School, were asked to fundraise for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society as a leadership project. They plan to do many different events at their school to get students actively involved with helping donate to this organization. 

Fundraising Events

Casey and Alexander have managed to implement many fundraisers. They hosted a “Penny Week” and will be holding a school dance. A “Penny Week” is a week where students bring in change that corresponds to a theme for each day, such as “Pajama Penny Day”. They plan to hold many more fundraisers to reach a school goal of $1,000. 

Written by: Casey Hovis and Alex Hogston