We would like to welcome Mrs. Jennifer Lycan to Louisa West Elementary. She will joining our preschool team as an instructional assistant.
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Burns
J lycan
Here are a few important dates.
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Burns
upcoming events
LWES FRYSC will hold a parent volunteer training on 8/8/22 in the LWES cafeteria. If you are interested, please plan to attend.
over 2 years ago, Matt Maynard
FRYSC Parent Volunteer Training
LC Schools will be gathering cleaning supplies and water to help flood victims for the families in SE KY. If you would like to help, please bring supplies to your student’s school Monday through Friday of next week. $25 gift cards will also be accepted. #AllinLC
over 2 years ago, Dr. Robbie Fletcher
The Lawrence County Youth Soccer League is having signups for the Fall season. ...see the attachment.
over 2 years ago, Matt Maynard
Please see the FRYSC information attached...
over 2 years ago, Matt Maynard
FRC Information
We are seeking a motivated K-1 teacher for LWES! See attachment...
over 2 years ago, Matt Maynard
Employment Opportunity
LWES Upcoming Student Events...
over 2 years ago, Matt Maynard
LWES Upcoming Events
Please join us for Readifest!!!
over 2 years ago, Matt Maynard
LWES Readifest
If you have a child that needs to enroll for the 2022-23 school year, call 638-4726 to begin the process.
over 2 years ago, Matt Maynard
Join us for Summer Jump Start on July 27th-29th from 10:00-12:00. All Preschool, Kindergarten, and 1st grade students are welcome to attend. Fill out the form below and return to LWES or email it to Mr. Maynard.
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Burns
Jump Start
Thank you so much to LCHS FFA for the flowers and for bringing students down to teach our students how to plant flowers.
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Burns
Thank you to Laken Dillon from Fitness by Faith for putting LWES students through Boot Camp yesterday afternoon! Our students had a blast!!!
over 2 years ago, Matt Maynard
We will have an ice cream truck tomorrow at LWES!!!
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Burns
Ice Cream Truck
Thank you Mountain Movers and The Garden Theater for allowing LWES to preview the production of "Big Fish!" Our students loved it!!!
over 2 years ago, Matt Maynard
Kona Ice will be at Summer School tomorrow!!
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Burns
Kona Ice
For Summer School Students. The 2 papers pictured below went home with students today. One of them is a permission slip for a walking field trip. We will be walking to the library tomorrow so please send it back tomorrow. Also students need a water bottle during the day.
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Burns
Permission Slip
Summer school begins tomorrow! Summer school goes from 9:00-2:30. Student drop-off begins at 8:30. All students will be dropped off at the kindergarten drop-off doors. Student pick up will be in the same area. Buses will be running one hour later than normal.
over 2 years ago, Matt Maynard
Thank you to Apperson Lodge for the bicycles they donated for our students. All 4 students had excellent attendance for the school year and was awarded one of these bicycles.
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Burns
Our Spring Programs and Awards are Wednesday.
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Burns
Spring Programs