Due to high water issues, Lawrence County Schools will be releasing early today.
Bus loading schedule:
Louisa East/West - 12:30 PM
Louisa Middle/LCHS - 1 PM
Blaine/Fallsburg - Shortly after 1:30 PM
Thank you for being ALL IN!
Due to high water issues, Lawrence County Schools will be releasing early today.
Bus loading schedule:
Louisa East/West - 12:30 PM
Louisa Middle/LCHS - 1 PM
Blaine/Fallsburg - Shortly after 1:30 PM
Thank you for being ALL IN!
LC schools will be dismissing early today. Louisa West Elementary will begin dismissal procedures at 12:30.
We will be having Inflatables tomorrow at LWES. Please send your child in shoes that are easy for them to slip on and off.
We will be providing Summer School again this year. All students are welcome to attend. Come by LWES today to fill out an application.
Kona Ice is coming to LWES.
Friday, April 29, LC Schools will have pre-school and kindergarten registration at the Lawrence County Community Center. See the attachment for details.
Book Fair will be running all this week at school. You can send money with your child or set up an ewallet account for them online. The link for the book fair website is posted below to use for ewallet.
We will have our Spring Book Fair next week April 25th-29th. Check out our book Fair webpage and set up your child's ewallet. It is an easy way to give your child money to spend for the fair without them having to keep up with it.
A reminder for LC Families: Coming soon....
We are starting our end of School ABC Countdown on Thursday.
Site Base Elections
Kona Ice is coming this week!!!
LWES will have a make up session for Spring pictures on April 11. We will also have class pictures on this day.
Spring Pictures at LWES
Mental Health Awareness training opportunities.
Mental Health Awareness sessions hosted by Pathways for the community.
Join us for Data Night
Preschool registration is coming soon...
Reminder: There will be no school for students tomorrow, Monday, March 14, 2022. This will be a Flexible Professional Development day for staff.